Friday, December 17, 2010

Need to be Punished, Need to be Punished

Yesterday was a surreal day in front of the Fish and Game Commission. I thought we did an excellent job documenting our case in asking the Commission follow their own guidelines in delisting ferrets from the prohibited species list. I did feel intimidated, I had the feeling the Commission looks down on the issue. But I did ok.

At the end, President Jim Kellogg started to talk. At first I held out hope that my facts and figures impressed him. Instead he took a bizarre turn.

He mentioned shopping at pet stores and seeing the photos of ferret supplies just like in my powerpoint presentation. Then he said "it really annoys me that they can sell that stuff in a state where ferrets are illegal."

And next was the truly bizarre part, he said "ferret owners need to be punished."

Today, one day later I'm cleaning house. It is the time of week I get to spend the most time with the ferrets. They are downstairs in forbidden territory pulling the soles out of Jim's expensive shoes. A better time could not be had.

They are healthy and happy. I worry about my eldest, Fausto. Ferrets don't live that long and Fausto is getting up there.

And darn it, I have this rap song in my head... "need to be punished, need to be punished..."

We will put Mr. Kellogg's statements up in YouTube. Perhaps we can make a rap version. Maybe we'll even go viral.

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