Tuesday, December 16, 2008

All I Want This Holiday Season is a Little More Freedom

I have the best ferrets - always have. Putting them back in their cage this morning I thought "wouldn't it be wonderful to take them outside? - that's what I'd really like to do this Christmas."

I'm one of those people who has problems with Christmas - brings out the worst in me. And my birthday is two days later. This year I'll turn 50. It will also mark one year since I've had a job. There's not Christmas at our house this year - I want it that way.

I'm usually pretty conservative when it comes to money, but for years I promised myself I'd go all out when I turned 50. I've never had a wedding, graduation or bar mitzvah. My parents told me I was born on March 17th (St Patrick's Day - what a coincidence) - it wasn't until I was 10 that my great aunt Eda let it slip I was born on Dec 27th.

A few years ago I decided I wanted to spend my glorious 50th in the Chile/Argentina wine country and then visit Easter Island. Ain't gonna happen this year - and I'm ok with that. A lot of people are losing their homes, misery is all around us - I'll just have to wait a little longer to celebrate the big 5 - 0.

But the truely clever mind always have a plan B. I want to do something truly outrageous on the big day - TAKE THE FERRET OUT IN PUBLIC.

Problem is, who pays for such foolishness/audacity/whatever? The ferret. I can't let that happen and that has been one of the biggest obstacles to getting ferrets legalized. I did it before, it was a complete disaster featuring ferret euthanasia and jail time.

As Janice Joplin sang "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to loose." And I can't afford to lose a ferret.

So perhaps I'm not so clever. My current plan is to find out if Denny's still offers a free lunch on your birthday and break out a special box of macaroni and cheese that evening.

Eight is my unluckly number. 2009 has to be better.


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Pat! I hope you know, you are doing great thing! Helping all our little ferrets!!

Mary Gail said...

Happy Birthday Pat!! Keep up the good work and don't give up hope!! It's hope that keeps us going. You go ahead and keep bugging that secret group!! That's an idea!! Put a bug in their room to find out what they are saying! And keep up with your blog because I enjoy reading your stories!! You're our best fighter Pat because you're the only one who communicates with the rest of us about the battle!! And yes, I really do believe that 2009 will be better!!

Anonymous said...

I have an idea I think you might like, just hear me out:

I know you can't do a real ferret walk because the risk to the ferrets is too high, but I have a great alternative- how about a STUFFED ferret sit-in? (can't really walk with stuffed animals)

We could get all get ferret stuffed animals that represent our babies (one for each real ferret you own) and we could have a "sit in" on the city hall or whatever.

This would be even better than bringing real ferrets- no risk, no danger, and it would be so unusual it could easily draw national (or at least statewide) media attention to the cause.

Having to bring fake "substitute ferrets" would also highlight the absurdity of the law. Ferrets Anon could even sell the stuffed animals for the event, at the event, and online- with the proceeds going to the cause of legalization.

This would be a great way to get the message out there. And afterwords, our real ferrets can have a great time stealing and hiding their stand-ins :)
