Saturday, November 29, 2008

Who Will Be Member 666?

I'm not a religious person but I don't like to tempt fate.

My first job out of college was the graveyard computer operator at the Elgar Corporation, right behind the El Camino Cemetary. I was the only night worker...

Waiting for the computer to finish jobs, I had time to read books, and one book I read was The Demonologist.
And according to the demon-hunters, Mr and Mrs Warren, evil spirits are indeed attracted to the number 666.
I wouldn't want to assign that membership number to anyone good enough to support ferret legalization.
What should we do with member number 666? I'm tempted to donate a membership to DFG spokesman Ron J, but we're turning over a new leaf and trying to avoid negativity.

1 comment:

Mary Gail said...

Give it to Arnold Baby!! He deserves it!! Maybe the next governor will be more intelligent!! And this comment is being suggested by a Republican who is ashamed to say I voted for him at the last election for governor because I believed him to be an honest man. Boy! Was I a fool!!!